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> S I E B D R U C K  M I T  R O T  W I N E

S I L K - S C E E N  P R I N T I N G

> T H E  L A Z Y  C O L U M N


Once upon a time, there was a hall of a big, modern building that was hold by sixteen columns.


All of them were round, wide, so tall… They filled up the space with strong diagonals capable of standing that heavy weight day after day. They were magnificent. When the sun hit them with it’s light; their shadows were projected powerfully on the parquet floor. People looked up to admire them…


And then was her: The seventeenth column.

She was always tired. So tired. She rested on a girder. She was not sure if she wanted to be a column anymore, because she realizes she doesn’t like to hold that building all the time.


Maybe she wanted to do something else, or do nothing at all. And she felt guilty because she thought she just might be lazy.

A lazy column.

Work in progress in the silk-screen printing workshop

Two silk-creen priting in paper stitched together.

15 m long

48 cm weid

NEUBAU exhibition in AdBK

Awarding of the Academy's prizes 2016

> W I N E  B O X

Experimental red wine pritings collection.

Box + Leporelo



> L A  M A N C H A

Silk-screen printings with rot wine in paper.

60x60 cm


La Mancha .

La Mancha II .

> S I E B D R U C K  M I T  R O T  W I N E

Experimental silk-screen printings with red wine in paper.

> B I G  F O R M A T

Silk-screen printings with red wine in paper.

187x150 cm

Edited Image 2016-01-31 16-19-08
Edited Image 2016-01-31 16-15-56
Edited Image 2016-01-31 16-05-39
Edited Image 2016-01-31 15-59-44
Edited Image 2016-01-31 16-01-44
Edited Image 2016-01-31 16-03-30
Edited Image 2016-01-31 16-04-37

© 2024 Sandra Bejarano 

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