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>  E L   J U E G O   D E L   E L Á S T I C O

During the first quarter of the year 2021, when mobility restrictions due to the Corona virus pandemic did not yet allow for free movement, Christian Schoen, german art historian and curator, decided to organize the exhibition Distanzzone, involving artists living in Munich and South Tyrol. The idea was that the artists, in pairs, would create a collaboration, i.e. a common work that would unite the vision of each artist. 

The whole process of creation took place at a distance through virtual encounters such as the video calls we have become so accustomed to in quarantine periods.

The following work is the result of a collaboration with the sculptor Wilma.

The theme of the exhibition was to be distance. Wilma and I wanted to talk, not about spatial distance, not about the obligatory safety distance, but about the distance between us as women artists. 

Between me and her, an older and more experienced woman, there was an impossible distance. It's like trying to reach the horizon line: if you go two steps closer, it moves two steps further away. Wilma and I talked a lot about how to find common ground between her sculpture and my performances. We talked about our interests, inspirations and even our childhoods. And that's where we found a pastime we had both played when we were little: the rubber band game. 

The game consists of placing a single rubber band several metres long behind the ankles of two people who stand facing each other with their legs hip-width apart at a sufficient distance for the rubber band to tighten. A third person in the middle performs different choreographies, jumping, crossing or avoiding the ropes.

Through this visual metaphor we realised that distance was not a problem, but something fundamental for the game to take place. Therefore, we decided to make a performance using her sculptural pieces. The metal tubes, the two metal carpets and the 15-metre rubber band were elements that she had presented as installations in other exhibitions and with which I would create a choreography based on the game of elastic but which, as it progressed, tested the limits of the material and the body.

Exibited at Halle 50 (Domagk Ateliers, Munich), Nov 2021 and Galerie Prisma (Bolzano, Italy), March 2022

Fotodocumentation: Rocío Cárdenas

Video: Sara Chaparro


Gallerie Prima, Bolzano 2022

© 2024 Sandra Bejarano 

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